Tuesday, July 19, 2011

3rd anniversary :)

assalamualaikumm !
morning guysss!
this post is really, really special to my beloved honey bunny, Tarmidzi Mohd Zailani :)
dear, it's has been 3 years we being together.. and those kind of worse and sweet me
mories we've created.. you're the best of my entire life.. u're the most important thing i remember all day and all night.. from i wake from my bed until i close my eyesss... u're the one i always miss. you are the one i stand for my lifee.. u always support me. u always be right by my side. u change my life n makes me happy for three yearsss.. i love youu :)
and i hope, our relationship will be much better :)

*motif lipice?? tahh.haha..sory gmba sakaii.amatur..huhu..
wassalammm... :)