Tuesday, October 25, 2011


hey..it's raining out side.there's nothing i want to talk so much.it just a hobby during my lazy time.it just more about me and him.and there's nothing to do with u.*sorry*.u know what,i feel it's a long day without you.yeahhh.u know who i'm talking about.what,why are u smilling..please stop doing that.it just make my heart melt into the ground.*grinning*u know what, i'm really sory. i never meant to hurt you.i never meant to ignore you.it just a,,,guhhh.i dont know.boy, i really want to make you be the happiest person in the world.*sigh*i dont know if u can believe me or not.but the truth is, i really need n miss you.just take care ok.i dont be there, so i cant look after you.*sorry*.. u the person i never have <3